Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Geekzone Blogs Windows Vista Sidebar gadget

New Geekzone Blogs Windows Vista Sidebar gadget
Thanks to Chaks, who developed a Geekzone Blogs Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar. He was inpired by our Geekzone Forums Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar, originally developed for us by Provoke.

If you follow the Geekzone blogs or forums and use Windows Vista make sure you download those gadgets.

If you are using Mac OS X or Konfabulator and would like to develop similar gadgets for these other platforms, please contact me.

Finding Chuck Norris
I just got this on an e-mail, worth trying:

1. Open Google

2. Type "find chuck norris"

3.Click on "I'm feeling lucky"


eeeXubuntu booting great from SDHC on Asus eeePC
I blew away XP on my eeePC and restored the original Xandros - great little OS in Easy Mode with iceWM. I also enabled advanced mode (a full KDE desktop) using (Google it - its a no-brainer quick way to enabled KDE). You can switch back ... (more in the full post)

Microsoft-Yahoo deal: What about developers?
Analysts and developers weigh in on what the Yahoo-Microsoft deal could mean for programmers

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