Thursday, February 7, 2008

India's IT market to reach US$24 billion by 2011

India's IT market to reach US$24 billion by 2011
Indian IT budgets to grow 13% this year, says Gartner

Want 3 months free weekend calling to VF mobiles?
ihug have now offered a new package:

They don't state this clearly, but a quick look into the T&C's says that existing users of ihug home phone and broadband can still sign up (as long as they hold on to a contract for 12 months). There is only a sign up button though... hmm... strange.

New Geekzone Blogs Windows Vista Sidebar gadget
Thanks to Chaks, who developed a Geekzone Blogs Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar. He was inpired by our Geekzone Forums Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar, originally developed for us by Provoke.

If you follow the Geekzone blogs or forums and use Windows Vista make sure you download those gadgets.

If you are using Mac OS X or Konfabulator and would like to develop similar gadgets for these other platforms, please contact me.

eeeXubuntu booting great from SDHC on Asus eeePC
I blew away XP on my eeePC and restored the original Xandros - great little OS in Easy Mode with iceWM. I also enabled advanced mode (a full KDE desktop) using (Google it - its a no-brainer quick way to enabled KDE). You can switch back ... (more in the full post)

Blast from the Past! 025 N-AMPS mobile phone!
And not just any N-AMPS phone, but a Phillips ISIS! (You can't get much info on it as well... so it has to be old!)

(Yep, I previously said D-AMPS, but found out it's N-AMPS)

  • 20 Phonebook Contacts
  • 3 Subtle Tones
  • 1 Line LCD Monitor
  • Backlit Keys!
  • Runs on 4 AA Batteries! Perfect for those who are always on the move!

I've kept everything (except the box) and it still works, even all the contact numbers have been stored there... from 2000!

Ah, I can still remember how my dad used it. He would go into Settings, crank up the volume and play one of the mono tones, waking me up in the morning.

My mum still remembers how much he paid for it: $99.

Disk-based storage a hit at Metlifecare
Under the new arrangement, data and key databases are backed up every quarter of an hour

SAP supports autonomous role for Business Objects
Simon Dale, CTO for SAP Asia-Pacific-Japan confirms that SAP and Business Objects are singing from the same song-sheet

The end of domain tasting?
One week ago there was a rumour in the blogosphere that Google would no longer allow domain names less than five days old to be monetised using Google Adsense for Domains. Just a few days later ICANN announced that they are reviewing a proposal to c... (more in the full post)

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