Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ballmer rebuffs Google's anticompetitive charge

Ballmer rebuffs Google's anticompetitive charge
Acquisition of Yahoo would enhance competition, says Ballmer

MIT: New mobile chip will boost energy efficiency by 10x
The new design is intended for use in portable electronics, such as cellphones, PDAs and even implantable medical devices

Google, Microsoft trade barbs over Yahoo bid
Google says that Microsoft's offer to buy Yahoo raises "troubling questions"

Spammers' bot cracks Microsoft's CAPTCHA
The bot grabs the CAPTCHA and sends it back to the spammer's server, where the image is somehow "read" and a clear text match generated, says researcher

TVNZ to remove downloads from
Previously, tvnz on demand used Microsoft's PlaysForSure DRM to protect (and make people pay for) their content, but now will instead focus on a ad-based scheme to provide the programmes via streaming only.

Also reported is a portal for Mobile On Demand content with one of the mobile companies, and having content served up on the PS3 and Xbox.

"TVNZ surrenders to video pirates" -

How to Upgrade iPod Touch To Jailbroken 1.1.3
Hot off the heals of upgrading my 1.1.2 Jailbroken iPod Touch to 1.1.3, I thought I'd post a how to and some of my observations.


DRM Music files work.
Jiggling icon reorder works
Maps, Mail etc work. Positioning should work.
Your music and videos will stay, but you will lose all your old apps that are in /Applications. If they are in /Var/Applications they are safe.
Summerboard isn't compatible with 1.1.3 yet.
SSH access works.


How to:
Note: Turn SSH on before doing this, if it gets stuck in restore mode, use iNdependence to sort it out.
I did this using the new iJailbreakme method.

1. If you are running 1.1.1, upgrade to 1.1.2 using the okto prep method. Using 1.1.1 with this method causes DRM and other problems.

2. Install the latest versions of BSDsubsystem and Installer

3. Add '' as a source in Installer (sources -> edit -> add)

4. Back up anything that you want to keep. This could easily go wrong and require a restore.

5. In installer there should now be a 'iJailBreakMobile' category, from that install 'iJailBreakMobile 1.1.2'. This will put a new icon on your springboard.

6. Set the iPod auto lock to NEVER.

7. Run 'iJailBreak' from your springboard. This will take some time, it downloads the entire iPod 1.1.3 update from Apple.


8. When it finishes, it should either reboot on its own, leave you with a spinning cog, or say process completed. If you get the latter two, reboot yourself by holding the sleep and home buttons at the same time.

9. Upon reboot you should be greeted with your new springboard, which will contain the basic applications and Installer.

10. Run installer and from the 'iJailBreakMobile' category, run 'iPod Touch Software Upgrade'. Or if that doesn't work, as it did for me, add the 'Apple Repository' to installer '' and run their preparation patch.

11. Reboot, and you should have the jiggly icons, all the 'Premium' applications and the ability to add webapps to the springboard through safari.

If installer randomly crashes when installing applications, it's because you're out of space on that partition. I was getting
mv: /bin/: terminated with 1 (non-zero) status: Cross-device link
when trying to symlink and move applications. So use this guide.

This method worked fool proofedly for me. You may get a different experience. If things go wrong, force recovery mode and do a restore.

Finally! A more Sci-Fi like hologram than ever!
This is soooooooooooooooooo cool!

To promote the movie 'Water Horse: Legend of the Deep', Sony made a water and light hologram in Tokyo Bay.

Click on the image for a YouTube vid.

[via Engadget]

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