Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blast from the Past! 025 N-AMPS mobile phone!

And not just any N-AMPS phone, but a Phillips ISIS! (You can't get much info on it as well... so it has to be old!)

(Yep, I previously said D-AMPS, but found out it's N-AMPS)

  • 20 Phonebook Contacts
  • 3 Subtle Tones
  • 1 Line LCD Monitor
  • Backlit Keys!
  • Runs on 4 AA Batteries! Perfect for those who are always on the move!

I've kept everything (except the box) and it still works, even all the contact numbers have been stored there... from 2000!

Ah, I can still remember how my dad used it. He would go into Settings, crank up the volume and play one of the mono tones, waking me up in the morning.

My mum still remembers how much he paid for it: $99.

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Previously, tvnz on demand used Microsoft's PlaysForSure DRM to protect (and make people pay for) their content, but now will instead focus on a ad-based scheme to provide the programmes via streaming only.

Also reported is a portal for Mobile On Demand content with one of the mobile companies, and having content served up on the PS3 and Xbox.

"TVNZ surrenders to video pirates" - http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=10490999

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